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                        Healing Music Ezine
                                              from Healing Music Enterprises
                                     and Dr. Alice Cash

      March 2003                  Volume 2 Number 6

in this issue

  • I. Editorial Musings:
    How does music comfort the families of those staying behind?
  • II. Special Topic:
    Music in Times of War
  • III. Booking Dr. Cash
    in Your Community
  • IV. Go Shopping on my Website!

Editorial Musings

How does music comfort the families
of those staying behind?

Our country is at war again. For the fourth or fifth time since I was born in 1948 our country is at war. I'm really not entirely sure what it's all about but I know that supposedly it's about establishing peace and eliminating a dictator and his evil ways. My father was a proud veteran of World War II. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was wounded and received a Purple Heart and an Oak Leaf Cluster.

I was never entirely sure what all of that was about either but I knew as a little girl that it made him very proud to talk about it. Every night before he heard my sister's and my prayers, we would sing a few songs together and oftentimes they would be songs that he learned in the army. I'm sure it was one of the few enjoyable things about being in he Army but singing those songs before bedtime with Daddy for six-year old and eight year old girls was something to look forward to! Apparently they sang these songs on the big ships going over to Europe and as they were marching through the snow after they got to Europe trying to stay awake and alert. They must have done quite a bit of singing ( and I know they did lots of marching )because he taught my sister and me tens of songs that we love to sing still: "A Capital Ship," "You're in the Army Now," "Do your Ears Hang Low?" and many others that we thought were lots of fun.

Then of course for those left behind, we have hundreds of songs that have been written to comfort those at home. The "good old" songs during WWI included "Over There," "My Buddy" and "Until we meet again." These songs serve to soothe us until our "boys" return. Every war ever fought produced its songs, many of which we know very well, but don't realize they're associated with war. For example "Danny Boy" says "the pipes, the pipes are calling." Yes, those are the pipes of war, the bagpipes.


   Special Topic

Music in Times of War

Being a musicologist and particularly interested in the healing effects of music, I can see how music has helped the various military systems in a wide variety of ways throughout history and I thought you might be interested in knowing about some of these.

First of all, I believe it is important to recognize that all military music is extremely rhythmic. Because rhythm is so vitally important to military music, you will always find a large contingent of snare drums, bass drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments to clearly delineate the pulse of the music and keep it steady as a heartbeat. As a direct result we have the priniciple of entrainment constantly working to the advantage of the soldiers. In plain English, this means that the highly rhythmic music keeps the heart beating sympathetically with the beat of the music, keeping it from racing ahead in panic and fear. Marching to the beat of that music keeps the heart and breathing from getting out of control. When the soldiers chant something with a positive message as they march, it reinforces the pulse of the heartbeat and calms them all the more because it's working on mind and body simultaneously. They don't have time to start going off into their own world of "what if??" This is but one small example but important to remember.

The military has also known for hundreds of years how to tap into the biological power of music to release adrenaline into the body with not only fifes and drums stirring a crowd in military parades, but also on the battlefield. (Not that fear alone isn't going to release some adrenaline, but if it starts flowing to music that you have a positive association with then that is preferable!)

Long before our country existed, bagpipes were known to be used in Scotland and Ireland before some of the bloodiest battles and their playing preceded the beginning of the battle and warned listeners to prepare. Before that were the war drums of the very ancient civilizations that stirred fear and dread in the hearts and soul of those who heard them because everyone knew what that meant. Oftentimes the drums started slowly and deliberately and them gradually, gradually increased in speed and volume until people were worked up to such a fever pitch that fighting broke out spontaneously.

So, sound and especially drums and brass instruments, but also woodwinds have been used to warn people of war, but also to energize people for war.

As we go through this next period of wartime, hopefully brief, let's utilize music that has been written to lift our spirits, to remind ourselves of the good that is being attempted and to calm and encourage the families of the brave soldiers. If you're so inclined, you might even try composing something new!

Some interesting websites on this topic include:

Solders' Songs at:
Civil War Music at:
Hollywood Goes to War at:


   Calendar and Updates

April 26 Hamilton, Ohio 9 am -12 noon Workshop for Daycare providers on "Music in the Daycare setting" contact Amy Alcorn or email Dr. Cash for more information.

Dr. Cash will be presenting in Hawaii again from May 28 until June 10. She still has a few days open there for individual sessions and possibly a few workshops, but get in touch with her soon if you'd like to meet her or have a healing session.

May 30 Maui Memorial Hospital Inservice, Maui, Hawaii

June 3 The Ohana Connection, Maui, Hawaii

Several private workshops scheduled in Louisville: call 502-895-7688 to see if there is room for you.

Topics in April and May include:

Music and Pain Management
Music with Anxiety and Depression
Toning and Chanting

Read about the newest Calendar updates!

   Healing Music Services

Dr. Cash is available for seminars, workshops, classes and other group and individual instruction in using music for healing and promoting health and wellbeing. Go to for more information.

Attention: Louisvillle Area Health Professionals

Dr. Cash offers classes on a regular basis on:

  1. How to create music tapes for surgery
  2. Using music with pregnancy, childbirth and newborns
  3. Understanding how music affects the Mind-Body-Spirit & applying this to practice
  4. Toning, Chanting, and Drumming for Health
  5. Using Music with Alzheimer's Patients

2 -3 hour long classes are offered on demand for four people or more. Class can be booked for Fri am, Sat pm, & Sun eves. Also private sessions.
Call 502-895-7688 to register or Send an Email .

   Healing Music Products

Dr. Cash offers helpful products to guide you reap the benefits of music for healing. Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for self directed therapeutic music sessions. All purchases are secure and guaranteed.

1. "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
(available as soft cover book or ebook, with CD or Mp3 music supplement)

Mp3 Sets include:

  • Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
  • Lullaby Collection
  • Chant Collection

2. AUDIOTAPES - $10 & S/H - Tape titles include:

  • The Healing Power of Music
  • Toning & Chanting with Addictions
  • Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
  • The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias
  • Music for Surgery ($19 for two tape set)

3. Healing Music Shoppe Do you have some birthday presents, wedding gifts, or shower gifts to buy? Why not go to my new Healing Music Enterprises Store and buy a book, CD, or even a musical instrument for that special someone? You can get a troubadour harp or a didgeridoo; a djembe, a bongo, or a bagpipe! Now that's a surprise isn't it? Feel free to write me personally for advice on the best instrument for you or your child. We also offer sheet music, music books, musician career services, musical recordings and more.

4. Music Book and CD Library - the place to browse and shop online for Amazon music books, CDs, VHS and DVDs. Hand picked to ensure that content reflects music for healing and well being.

   Contact Us

Please feel free to forward this issue to friends and associates. Anyone can subscribe for free (see below)

Contact Info:
Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
Healing Music Enterprises
(502) 895-7688    (502) 419-1698 (mobile)
(502) 896-7277 (fax)

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Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3272


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