Valentine's Issue Music and Love: What's the Connection? |
During this Valentine's month you have probably heard alot of romantic songs of love, devotion and simple infatuation from many different generations. We have records (written evidence that is!) of love songs dating back to the medieval period; songs which compare the beloved's lips to cherries and skin to finest silk; her hair to shining sunrays and her eyes to pools of clearest blue waters. Their music may not be our idea of something to hum or whistle but chances are the effect on the beloved was much the same as our songs, and as the love songs throughout time, have had on the intended recipient. The combination of melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, lyrics, and intent have a magical and also chemical effect on the beloved.
Neuroscientists tell us that when one is "in love" the brain is releasing copious amounts of norepinephrine, endorphins, oxytocin and other such neurochemicals (see What Is Chemistry in Love Relationships?, an interesting website about this topic; also Biology of Love, an amusing interview with an anthropologist who specializes in love ) Music has always been used to seduce, court, and romance a potential lover. Once the person has been "won over," these same songs take on special significance as we all know. Merely hearing these songs years and years later, even many decades later, can cause these same brain chemicals to be released and these same wonderful feelings to be re-experienced (although not quite as powerfully.)
The decade of 1990-2000 was called "The Decade of the Brain" and there is still so much we do not know about the brain and how it works. Many scientists feel that the brain is truly the last unexplored frontier. We know just a little bit about how music affects the brain now and with each new discovery we are able to put away some older technique, whether it be a drug, a surgery, or a potentially dangerous technique. One of the easiest things we know to do is to bring back those wonderful "falling in love" feelings. So, during this Valentines month be sure to go out and get some CD's of the oldies that you went courting to so that you can re-experience a few of those thrills and chills from your courting years!
Dr. Cash will be presenting in Hawaii again from May 28 until June 10. She still has a few days open there for individual sessions and possibly a few workshops, but get in touch with her soon if you'd like to meet her or have a healing session.
She will be doing a day in Hamilton, Ohio on Saturday, April 24. If you live in this area (north of Cincinnati) and would like to see her that afternoon or have a workshop or presentation at your church or school on Sunday, the 25th, please Send an Email
Dr. Cash will present a day-long workshop for nurses on "Music in the Hospital" at Eastern Kentucky University on Friday, March 14. Please call Jackie King in the School of Nursing to register. CEU's will be given.
Read about the newest Calendar updates!
Dr. Cash is available for seminars, workshops, classes and other group and individual instruction in using music
for healing and promoting health and wellbeing. Go to http://www.healingmusicenterprises.com/services.html for more information.
Attention: Louisvillle Area Health Professionals
Dr. Cash offers classes on a regular basis on:
- How to create music tapes for surgery
- Using music with pregnancy, childbirth and newborns
- Understanding how music affects the Mind-Body-Spirit & applying this to practice
- Toning, Chanting, and Drumming for Health
- Using Music with Alzheimer's Patients
2 -3 hour long classes are offered on demand for four people or more. Class can be booked for Fri am, Sat pm,
& Sun eves. Also private sessions. Call 502-895-7688 to register or Send an Email
Dr. Cash offers helpful products to guide you reap the benefits of music for healing.
Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for self directed therapeutic music sessions. All purchases are secure and guaranteed.
1. "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
(available as soft cover book or ebook, with CD or Mp3 music supplement)
- BOOK & CD-
(Book - $14.95; CD - $14.95 or Book/CD Combo - $24.95 & S/H)
- EBOOK & Mp3s (Ebook - $8.95; Mp3s - $5/set)
Mp3 Sets include:
- Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
- Lullaby Collection
- Chant Collection
2. AUDIOTAPES - $10 & S/H -
Tape titles include:
- The Healing Power of Music
- Toning & Chanting with Addictions
- Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
- The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias
- Music for Surgery ($19 for two tape set)
3. Healing Music Shoppe Do you have some birthday presents, wedding gifts, or shower gifts to buy? Why not go to my new Healing Music Enterprises Store and buy a book, CD, or even a musical instrument for that special someone? You can get a troubadour harp or a didgeridoo; a djembe, a bongo, or a bagpipe! Now that's a surprise isn't it? Feel free to write me personally for advice on the best instrument for you or your child. We also offer sheet music, music books, musician career services, musical recordings and more.
4. Music Book and CD Library - the place to browse and shop online for Amazon music books, CDs, VHS and DVDs. Hand picked to ensure that content reflects music for healing and well being.
Please feel free to forward this issue to
friends and associates. Anyone can subscribe for free (see below)
Contact Info:
Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
Healing Music Enterprises
(502) 895-7688 (502) 419-1698 (mobile)
(502) 896-7277 (fax)