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Healing Music Ezine, July 2002, Vol. 1, No. 12

July 2002 Volume 1, Number 12

Healing Music Ezine Editorial

Editorial Musings:
Our First Anniversary!

Healing Music Ezine First Anniversary

Has it really been a year since we started putting out the e-zine? It really doesn't seem like it because the weeks and months fly by so quickly and the topics present themselves so easily and naturally. I know that since we started publishing the e-zine we have gone from less than fifty subscribers to over three hundred. Not bad for one year! The topics have ranged from the tragedy of September 11th and how music helped us to pull together to music with babies, Alzheimers patients, and surgery. And we've just begun to scratch the surface. We intend to keep this publication open as an on-going dialogue between interested patients, professionals, and healthy folks looking to maintain wellness and prevent illness. Please continue to send me your questions and I'll do my best to answer them or find our the answer somewhere else if an answer exists! Thank you for your strong support and remember to forward this on to other interested friends and colleagues. Thanks again!

To share comments or questions for our Discussion Board, or to start a news and information group-posting section, contact me by e-mail: Your communication will be a fruitful experience. Any topic related to music is welcome! Let me hear from you! Soon!


Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW


Question of the Month

Q: Why is it that certain patriotic pieces of music, especially when combined with images, make us feel profound love for our country?

MC, Calif.

A: Dear M.C.,
I would think that it's mostly a matter of conditioning. Most of our lives we have sung "The Star Spangled Banner" and "America" while either saluting the flag or holding our hands over our hearts. We have been taught pride in our country and we have observed for most of our lives other people doing the same. There is power in the huge crowds at ballgames, etc., and there is also power in the sheer number of repetitions of the process. In addition, patriotic songs are often emotionally stirring songs, with drum rolls, lots of trumpet fanfares and such.

Send in Your Question to the ChantDoc!

Healing Music Ezine News

New HME Summer Calendar Events posted at:

Headed for Kansas City and Firechief's Convention
For the second time in four years, I have been invited to speak at the International Firechiefs Conference. This year it will be held in Kansas City, Missouri and the Conference is called "Securing the Future." I will present a workshop on Saturday afternoon August 24th from 1:00-2:30 looking at "How Music Has Helped Us Survive 9/11." The following day I will be on a panel discussing that and other similar topics. I feel quite honored to be part of a conference that will include speakers such as Deborah Norville, President George Bush, and Former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Guiliani. To learn more about this conference go and look at the Kansas City conference which will be August 23-26 at the Westin Crowne Center Hotel. Please drop by and say hello if you're nearby!

A new color biography sums up HME services:

Louisvillle Area Health Professionals: Opportunity!!

Dr. Cash offers classes on a regular basis on:

  1. How to create music tapes for surgery
  2. Using music with pregnancy, childbirth and newborns
  3. Understanding how music affects the Mind-Body-Spirit & applying this to practice
  4. Toning, Chanting, and Drumming for Health
  5. Using Music with Alzheimer's Patients

2 -3 hour long classes are offered on demand for four people or more. Class can be booked for Fri am, Sat pm, & Sun eves. Also private sessions.

Call 502-895-7688 to register or Email me .


I. Editorial: Celebrating Our First Year!
II. Ask the Chantdoc: Music and Patriotism? FAQ's
III. Updated Calendar: Headed for Kansas City and Firechief's Convention
IV. Special Topic: Report on Hawaii's Musical Cornucopia of Activities

Healing Music Ezine Focus

Special Topic:
Report on Hawaii's Musical
Cornucopia of Activities

My eight-day tour to Hawaii was a whirlwind of activity but one of the most enjoyable whirlwinds I've ever been a part of! I arrived on the afternoon of July 11th and on Friday morning the 12th started out with a TV appearance on Honolulu's Channel 2, the local Fox affiliate. It was an interview format and gave me a chance to let the public know about all of the upcoming appearances. It also gave me the opportunity to explain a little bit about music and healing in general and my work as a clinical musicologist. Later that afternoon I went to the University of Hawaii and spoke to Dr. Arthur Harvey's seminar on Music and Human Physiology. The group was a delightful class of students from all over the South Pacific who had signed up for his course and they were quite interested to hear about music with surgery, music for anxiety management and the powers of vocal toning.

Saturday was a "free" day but much of it was spent preparing for Sunday which was one of the two busiest days. On Sunday, the 14th of July I played a recital and two church services at Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran church, a spectacular setting that overlooks the Pacific and creates the most spiritual feeling imaginable. The members and visitors could not have been more welcoming and hospitable and I was presented with a beautiful fresh flower lei which I wore throughout the morning! Later that afternoon, from 5-8 P.M., my friend and colleague, Dr. Crystal Sahner and I gave a presentation at The Movement Center on "The Use of Music with Young Children." We had an eager and receptive audience and were able to cover topics from the use of music during pregnancy and childbirth to music with hyperactive and autistic children, ending our third hour with a session on toning and chanting with young children as a tool for calming and centering. Everyone present agreed that it was new information for them and that they would like to have more!

On the evening of Monday the 15th of July we were back at Calvary-by-the-Sea to do a two-hour evening workshop on "Toning and Chanting with Addictions." This was one of the largest crowds we had, which makes for beautiful, sonorous toning as well as empowered chanting. We had many good comments and questions from the audience and one sound healer/visitor brought his beautiful crystal bowls to demonstrate for us. It was a fabulous, healing evening, including the chanted version of "The Serenity Prayer."

Tuesday, the 16th, was another really packed day as I left on the first flight out of Honolulu for Maui. I was greeted at the airport by my dear friend Mariana with whom I had only corresponded online. Again I was presented with another fragrant fresh flower lei. We went straight to my next engagement which was a morning speech for "The Ohana Connection." I had been looking forward to this group with great anticipation because they are mostly healers themselves and there was quite a screening process to go through to be allowed to speak there. The audience was totally receptive and friendly and when I finished I felt as though I had fifty new friends. They have all invited me back for next year and given me many new leads on Maui and elsewhere as well! I spent the rest of the day with Mariana in her gorgeous new home over looking the ocean and beaches and that evening we had a small toning and chanting workshop in her living room! By 8PM I was on the last flight back to Honolulu, tired but happy!

Thursday we were back to Calvary-by-the-Sea and this time the two-hour workshop was on "The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias." Because of the TV show on Friday and all of the good publicity that had been done by Dr. Arthur Harvey and my local agent Jane Starr, RN, we had another good crowd. This was the usual lecture/ small group/ questions/ singalong format and our evaluations were outstanding. My newest tape on "Music with the Alzheimer's Patient" sold well at all of the workshops and is available from the website as well.

By Friday, Crystal and I were pleasantly exhausted but had each decided to purchase a ukelele and beginner books. We are really excited about being able to play when we go back next year and we have been invited back by everyone plus quite a few new organizations! Hope to see you all again next year in that glorious island Paradise!

Healing Music Products

Dr. Cash offers affordable products to help you reap the benefits of music and healing. Products available include audio tapes, music sample CD and book as well as her ebook & Mp3 package. Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for therapeutic music sessions.

"Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
(available as soft cover book or ebook,
with CD or Mp3 music supplement)

BOOK & CD- (Book - $14.95; CD - $14.95 or Book/CD Combo - $24.95 & S/H)

EBOOK & Mp3s (Ebook - $8.95; Mp3s - $5/set)
Sets include:
Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
Lullaby Collection
Chant Collection

Tape titles include:
The Healing Power of Music
Toning & Chanting with Addictions
Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias

To order, go to Dr. Cash's products page at:

Healing Music Services

Dr. Cash is available for seminars, workshops, classes and other group and individual instruction in using music for healing and promoting health and wellbeing. Find out how to book her amazing services by going to:

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© Content Written by Dr. Alice Cash

Ezine Design by Visions of Adonai Design

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Healing Music Enterprises/Surgical Serenity Solutions
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3272


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