Editorial Musings: Music for Special Events
With graduation on the mind of so many this month, myself included, I've been thinking about the universal (as far as I know) association that people have between Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance" and graduation. In the English-speaking world at least, the two seem to be inseparably connected and generations of people have marched down the aisle and across the stage to that stirring tune. What is it about the brain that brings instantaneous floods of images and feelings and memories when just a few bars of this famous piece are heard? Music is powerful! Though we know music is powerful, we continuously use it for its simplest purpose, 'pleasure.' We have hardly begun to harness music for its ultimate power, "Healing."
Next month (June) will be filled with all of the familiar wedding music that will flood our brains and bodies with images, memories, and feelings. Despite all the really good new music written recently, a majority of the younger generation still ask for the "classic" Processional and Recessional wedding music. Its true, certain music is just magnetically associated with certain rites of passage.
I believe music association is a significant and interesting phenomenon. I talk about these connections in greater detail in my book. "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music."
To share comments or questions for our bulletin board, or to start a news and information group-posting section, contact me by e-mail: chantdoc@earthlink.net Your communication will be a fruitful experience. Any topic related to music is welcome! Let me hear from you! Soon!
Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
Question of the Month
What kind of drum would you suggest for a beginning drummer who wants to get into chanting and drumming?
TG in Indiana
A: Dear T. G.,
TG, I would suggest something called a "Paddle Drum" that comes from the Remo company and is very lightweight and held like a tennis paddle in one hand and hit with a mallet with the other. They come in about 8 different sizes and can be ordered through your local music store for less than $50.00. There are many, many drums out there as you have probably discovered. Not long ago some groups in our area were offering workshops called "Birthing Your Own Drum" which was a spiritual weekend in which individuals created their own drum from scratch. On Sunday afternoon it was dedicated and then played in a ceremony. In Louisville we have a store called "Just Creations" which offers handcrafted instruments from third-world countries at a very reasonable price and that's where many of my drums have come from. Good luck and happy drumming!
Send in Your Question to the ChantDoc!
My Calendar lists projected new workshops, classes and presentations projected for this summer. Please read about the coming events at: http://www.healingmusicenterprises.com/calendar.html .
One special event coming up will be held in Hawaii!! On July, 11-19 Dr. Cash will be in Honolulu and Maui speaking at the University of Hawaii, Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church and "the Ohana Connection" in Maui. Specific times and places to be announced!
A new color biography sums up HME services:
Louisvillle Area Health Professionals: Opportunity!!
Dr. Cash offers classes on a regular basis on:
- How to create tapes for surgery
- Using music with pregnancy, childbirth and newborns
- Understanding how music affects the Mind-Body-Spirit
- Toning, Chanting, and Drumming for Health
- Using Music with Alzheimer's Patients
2 -3 hour long classes are offered on demand for four people or more. Class can be booked for Fri am, Sat pm, & Sun eves. Also private sessions. Call 502-895-7688 to register.
Special Topic: Music and Stress Management
One of the most frequently asked questions I get these days is 'how can music be used most effectively for stress management?' There are just a few basic principles that one needs to understand in order to tailor their favorite music for stress management purposes.
- It is most important to use YOUR favorite categories of music. If you don't like Mozart or classical music, don't use it!
(However, I do hope you'll at least try it!) Good, quality music can be found in most any genre of music.
- Choose music that has pleasant associations for you, music that brings you cheerful memories.
- If you are trying new music, instrumental music tends to be more stress-relieving than music with lyrics. This is because it does not demand you to "Think."
- Choose music that is slow, but that has a regular pulse or beat. Researchers have discovered that music with the tempo of the healthy, resting heartbeat will
guide (synchronize or match) your own breathing and heart-beat to it, thus slowing down our racing body rhythms.
- Racing thoughts can lead to anxious and stressed-out feelings. For this reason, use the rhythms of slow music, to slow your body and thoughts down.
What are some of my favorite music for stress management? I listen to a lot of classical music. I like the slow movements of the Baroque composers for relaxation.
I also like much of the Celtic music that is out, Enya, the Native American flute music, crystal bowls, and the solo piano music of Chopin, Brahms,
Rachmaninoff and Debussy.
My list could go on forever. I like slow reggae music, steel drums, the voices
of Anonymous 4. If you're not familiar with these names, check them out on the
internet, or at your local music store. If I have left you with a burning,
unanswered question, please, feel free to contact me.
I. Editorial Musings: Music for Special Events
II. Ask the Chantdoc: FAQ's
III. News & Events
IV. Special Topic: Music and Stress Management
"How does music affect the mind and body? There are many ways. Researchers believe that powerful chemicals in the brain called endorphins
and dopamine are released when a person experiences pleasure. When this happens, these chemicals flood the body and allow the person to
relax to the extent that natural healing processes of the body can begin to work.
The brain contains a pharmacy of chemicals that were intended to take care of our every need. Life in the late 20th century is stressful and so
fast-paced that many individuals don't want to wait for a natural process to take place. They would rather take a pill - a tranquilizer or other drug.
Doing this without trying other, non-chemical interventions takes the power away from that person. A more positive approach is to accept responsibility
for simplifying his or her own life and perhaps reorganize priorities. "
- Dr. Alice Cash, 2001. |
Healing Music Products
Dr. Cash offers affordable products to help you reap the benefits of music and healing.
Products available include audio tapes, music sample CD and book as well as her ebook & Mp3 package.
Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for therapeutic music sessions.
"Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
(available as soft cover book or ebook, with CD or Mp3 music supplement)
(Book - $14.95; CD - $14.95 or Book/CD Combo - $24.95 & S/H)
EBOOK & Mp3s
(Ebook - $8.95; Mp3s - $5/set)
Sets include:
Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
Lullaby Collection
Chant Collection
Tape titles include:
The Healing Power of Music
Toning & Chanting with Addictions
Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
To order, go to Dr. Cash's products page at:
Healing Music Products
Treat yourself and your loved ones to The Chantdoc's products to help you reap the benefits of music and healing.
Dr. Cash offers her newest book and ebook "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music" and accompanying CD and MP3s plus audiotapes - chock full
of healing music for your health and wellbeing. Reasonable and effective!
Check out our full line of products
Healing Music Services
Dr. Cash is available for
seminars, workshops, classes and other group and individual instruction
in using music for healing and promoting health and wellbeing.
© Content Written by Dr. Alice Cash
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