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August 2011 |
Do you really understand how music affects your mind and body? Do you have favorite music that you love and never tire of? Do you listen to it over and over...at home, in your car, on vacation? Rarely do I meet the person who answers "no" to this question. Pretty much everyone I know has some kind of favorite music that they've loved for years. Many of us have thousands of favorite songs, favorite singers, favorite composers and even favorite instruments that they reach for when the want a "pick-me-up" or a "calm-me-down." Often, the music that we get most attached to is music that has a powerful and positive association with either an event in the past or a person (love relationship) from the past. The good news is, you don't have to know what is going on in your mind and body to appreciate the music that you love the most. But, don't you want to know? I can remember sitting in a concert hall as a small child, listening to what seemed like the most beautiful, soul-stirring music I had ever heard and wishing that it could never end. I remember wondering why it affected me so powerfully and vowing that one day I would figure that out! It has been a gradual and life-long journey but I believe that I'm getting closer to the answer and would love to share it with you. I know that none of us has time these days to read a long dissertation on the subject, so let me narrow it down to a few simple factors:
So, hopefully you understand this a little bit more and can think about this next time you hear some music that you know you love but never thought about why it affected you so powerfully! |
Music with pregnancy, preemies and infants: The Lullaby Project |
The governor of Georgia created a CD of classical music that was issued to all new mother's in Georgia when they left the hospital with their newborns. Although it was later determined that classical music had nothing to do with a child's IQ, it was believed that if the mother listened to classical music, it would definitely provide a positive sonic environment for the infant's development and help them "organize their learning." At the hospital where I worked, I implemented a program for educating the Newborn Nursery Staff and began giving lectures every month to the Expectant Parents Class. There are specific, sequential steps that a pregnant mother can begin doing at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. For more information, listen to the download of the Healing Music Sampler or the CD.
I also have a blog with lots of
information on preemies and full-term infants:
www.PregnancyandPreemies.blogspot.com Please don't miss out on a
powerful tool for babies health and good development! |
Music for Memory Care | ||||||||||||||
We have pulled together 23 songs. |
Serenity Headphones now available for uses other than surgery | ||||||||||||||
A few months ago, I accepted a challenge to create a new blog post each day during June for my Surgery and Music Blog. Since getting the word out about the exciting benefits of music with surgery is one of my main missions these days, I excitedly accepted the challenge. Now I am happy to announce that our Serenity Headphones are being programmed with our music for pregnant women and mothers of newborns, patients with early Alzheimer's disease, music for patients with Parkinson's disease and music that you request! Just let me know what your health situation is and I'll be happy to call you and discuss what kind of music might help you the most!
Having surgery is one of those serious and often terrifying live
events and people want to know what they can do to make it as safe
as possible and to get through it with as little trauma and
side-effects as possible. Now these wonderful headphones can
be used with any sort of health disturbance as well as for
relaxation and general healing. Relaxation is mandatory
prerequisite for healing after all! | ||||||||||||||
Brain and Music Blog | ||||||||||||||
Music and Your Brain: An Expert Explains Dr. Daniel Levitan is one of the most prominent experts our there today on the topic of music and the brain. He wrote a highly acclaimed book called "This is Your Brain on Music." Please watch this fascinating video and give me your comments! |
Drumming Circles | ||||||||||||||
Today, drum circles are being created all over the world, often for the very same reasons. Drumming circles in hospitals, schools and universities are happening daily and participants are realizing all that they have to gain from their willingness to try something a little different. Alice and Heidi will be conducting a drum circle on the University of Louisville, Health Sciences Campus. This is part of a summer program called "Take 20 for Relaxation." Please join us for this free program. If you have a drum or other percussion instrument, please bring it! For more info, click HERE. Hope to see you there! |
Alice H. Cash | ||||||||||||||
For nearly two decades, I've been helping people use the music that
they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness
am one of the world's only clinical musicologists and hold
a Masters degree in piano performance, a Ph.D. in
musicology and a Master of Social Work in clinical social work. I
am also a licensed clinical social worker. I work with people and
diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and
hope. I love performing, researching, and teaching and have put them all together in a career called "Music Medicine." See you next month!! Alice Cash |