As I travel the country talking with people
about the importance of music during surgery,
there is one question that arises over and over.
The question is a good one: why would you want
music during surgery if you're going to be asleep?
Very logical question and luckily, the answer is
very logical too. Music during surgery is not about
entertainment; it is not about soothing a person or
even comforting them. The whole point of using music
during surgery is to relax the body so that less
anesthesia is needed.
Secondarily, when you have
music coming through headphones, the music enters
the brain through the eighth cranial nerve and entrains
or synchronizes the heartbeat and breathing with
the tempo of the music. For this reason, you want
to choose music with the tempo of the healthy resting
heartbeat. You also want to choose music that is
purely instrumental, i.e., nothing with lyrics.
The third and final reason to use music through head-phones during surgery is to block out comments and
conversation of the medical staff that might be negative
or pessimistic and influence you subconsciously.
I have created a two-tape set of music for surgery which
includes an interview with me on how to talk to you
surgeon and anesthesiologist about this before the surgery.
You can find these tapes on my website,
Tomorrow my mother is going into a serious surgery and I ask
you all to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Hope
to hear from you all with questions and comments.
Have a great week and keep the music playing!