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Spring 2014

In This Issue:  

   News Item

Surgical Serenity Headphones used for an entirely different procedure

      After being on the market for 3 years now, our Surgical Serenity Headphones are being used for more different types of procedures.  Our first patients were heart surgeries, knee and hip replacements, various eye surgeries, and a few C-sections.  My original idea was that the headphones and music would be ideal for patients having general anesthesia because the rhythmic entrainment is what works the magic!   Although it's great to let the patient choose his preferred genre of music,  it's the pulse of the music, the rhythm and tempo, that gets the patient's heart-rate and breathing synchronized to our proprietary music.

     Without giving away entirely my patented "secret sauce," I will emphasize that when the patient wears these cordless, lightweight headphones, his heart-rate, breathing and blood pressure become stabilized and his muscles relax.  As a direct result, less medication is required to keep the patient comfortable and asleep.  THEN, because of less medication, the patient spends less time in recovery, experiences less nausea and vomiting, and is able (usually!) to be discharged from recovery and then from the hospital.

     This is exactly what happened with the gentleman I'm going to introduce you to below!  He is a 70-year old male that had experienced many surgeries, including most recently, heart surgery.  A few weeks ago he was informed that he had an aortic aneurism that needed to be repaired ASAP!  He had heard about the Surgical Serenity Solution and told me that he was "intrigued."  Listen to him tell the story:

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