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September 2011






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"Using Music in the Hospital"

Dr. Alice H. Cash is often asked to share her
Grand Rounds Presentation with hospitals' doctors and staff.  Learn what is currently happening around the world and the results they are having.








"It was the easiest of all hand surgeries! I was listening to music, then a slight lull of nothing and then back to the music. Wonderfully comfortable. The best surgical experience yet. I am honored to know, worked with and utilized Dr. Cash's magnificent creation. I do hope the medical field understands the import of her invention!"

Sheryl S.
Louisville, KY















Dr. Cash will come and speak or play a recital for YOUR association, conference, university or church

Just visit our speaker information page and then let's talk!






















In This Issue: 

   News Item  

Michael Jackson's Doctor Charged

Today, with the trial of Dr. Conrad going on; the accusations of his illegal administration of "Propofol," a powerful surgical drug, the understanding of how powerful music is, is more more important than ever.

How tragic that the brilliant Michael Jackson did not know how to use beautiful music to help himself relax and fall asleep when it was finally time to sleep. Yes, drugs are probably a faster way to fall asleep, but unfortunately, this was never what Mother Nature intended.

Now you probably don't have the kinds of pressures and intensity in your life that Michael Jackson had, but still, some nights are harder to fall asleep and stay asleep than others. As a therapist, I hear many stories about the sleep difficulties people encounter. I always teach them vocal toning, listening to slow, instrumental music through headphones, and mantras that help to clear the mind of the day's worries and fears.

This also brings up the whole issue of propofol and its importance in surgery.  Propofol is used thousands of times a day around the world, but only for surgery.  When it is being administered, the doctor is not supposed to leave the patient's side.  Dr. Conrad not only left Michael's side, but apparently was gone for quite a while.

Any drug out there is only as good and as effective as the doctor administering it or prescribing it.  Music can definitely enhance the benefits of most medicines and in some cases can do the job of relaxing by itself.  We just need to educate both patients and medical professionals about how to use it!


   Healing Music Blog

Music is Becky Lippard’s saving grace

When faced with the prospect of losing most of a lung, Becky Lippard knew what was important to her.

“I’d rather have five years of singing than 15 years without it,” she told doctors.

Becky is well-known locally for her beautiful voice. She’s appeared in many Piedmont Players musicals, including “Smoke on the Mountain” in 1994, “Sanders Family Christmas” in 2000 and the 2006 world premiere of “Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming.”

She’s been in lots of other shows as well, including “H.M.S. Pinafore” and most recently “Nunsense” and “Hairspray” and sings frequently with a Lee Street Theatre group, whose shows are so popular they’ve had to turn people away. She’s also served as the piano accompanist for various shows, including “Curtains,” “Seussical,” “1776” and “Tommy,” and she’s served as a church organist locally for the past 11 years.

All of this comes naturally to Becky, who majored in music and voice performance when she was a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Although it hasn’t necessarily paid most of her bills, music is more than just a hobby for Becky.

“Music has been the saving grace,” she says. Recently, as she’s navigated a series of threats to her health, music has become a healing force.

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  10 Basic Concepts of Healing Music

Learn How Music "Heals"

Using 3 different presentations we will offer you 10 concepts. You will learn just how music can change and improve your everyday life.

Additional Information

Baby Boomers Presentation $   19.97
Mozart Presentation $   19.97
Music & Mind-Body Course $   47.00
The Sampler $   19.97

Total List Price

$ 106.91

Package Price  $ 37

Buy Now - Immediate Download


    Surgery and Music Blog

Preparing for anesthesia during surgery:  Common Fears in Surgery, Dangers and Side-effects of anesthesia

Recently, the Chicago Tribune posted an interesting article about people who are quite fearful of anesthesia during surgery. They don’t mention the use of music, but of course that is one of the most helpful ways to calm yourself and require less anesthesia.

“For many patients, anesthesia is the scariest part of surgery. But you can ease your fears — and help prevent the rare negative outcome — with awareness and good communication with doctors, says Dr. Paul Rein of Virginia Anesthesia VAPCS in southeastern Virginia.

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    Brain and Music Blog
What Makes A Song Popular?

I received a message that I would like to share with you. Bobby sent it after reading our August Ezine:

"Dr. Cash, 

I read your lead article and it "clicked" with me as I thought about what makes me like a particular song. You wrote that is was probably due to powerful events, major milestones, perhaps a chemical reaction, or a "hook" called entrainment. You completed the ezine with the Dr. Daniel Levitan interview video.

 I sat down with YouTube.com and started building a list of songs that I enjoy or have had a strong influence in my life.  That list is now over 120. 

When I look it over, I find the first record my Dad let me have, my wedding song, High School dances, the college years, the songs my kids played, my wife's favorites, current favorites, and yes the sad moments, the songs that remind us of our Mom and Dad.

It has become a nightly event to play a few selections before sleep.

I have enclosed my list with the hope that others will send you their list. I am in my 60's, grew up in the mid-west, 3 children, from a Northern European background. I bet my list will differ greatly from every other list you receive!"

- - - - - - - - -

I have posted "Bobby's list". I found his list extremely fascinating and thought  you might also.  If you have built such a list of your own, I would love to see it! 

Send your list to my webmaster, (webmaster@healingmusicenterprises.com)  and he will post a few for everyone to see!  Yes "Bobby's list" is different from "Alice's list"

Bobby's List of Favorite Songs

     Bobby's List

Partial List of Bobby's Favorite Songs

Blues Bothers        Everybody Needs Somebody to Love
Bon Jovi Livin' on a Prayer
Brooks & Dunn Boot Scootin' Boogie
Captain & Tennile Love Will Keep Us Together
Bob Carlisle Butterfly Kisses
Johnny Cash Ghost Riders in the Sky
Johnny Cash The Cremation of Sam McGee
CCR Looking Out My Back Door
Kenny Chesney She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
Eric Clapton Lay Down Sally
Bobby Darin Mack the Knife
Neal Diamond Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show
Dire Straights Walk of Life
Dr Hook Cover of the Rolling Stone
Dave Dudley 6 Days on the Road
Eagles Hotel California
Fats Domino Blueberry Hill

The partial list gives you the variety of his songs. Please consider creating your own list of songs!

Send your list to my webmaster, (webmaster@healingmusicenterprises.com)  and he will post a few for everyone to see! 

Bobby's Complete List of Favorite Songs
and the links to hear them


    Alice H. Cash
For nearly two decades, I've been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  I am one of the world's only clinical musicologists and hold  a Masters degree in piano performance, a Ph.D. in musicology and a Master of Social Work in clinical social work.  I am also a licensed clinical social worker. I work with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.

I love performing, researching, and teaching and have put them all together in a career called "Music Medicine." 

See you next month!!

 Alice Cash        

HealingMusicEnterprises.com   |   Previous Ezines

Healing Music Enterprises
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206

Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3537

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