August  2010

In This Issue:
  • Music's Effect on the Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Take Mozart back to school:  Why Mozart?
  • This month's "Healing Music Special"
  • About Alice Cash

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     Music's Effect on the Mind-Body-Spirit
We all know that music affects us powerfully, but do YOU know how that works?  Music can calm, soothe, comfort or it can energize, electrify, and rejuvenate.  It can also bring tears, chills, shards of anger, and waves of ecstasy.  In the video below, I talk about the four ways that music affects the mind and the body to create some of the many emotions that you experience when listening to your favorite music.
     Take Mozart Back to School this Fall!

Schools around the world are starting back to classes and parents, teachers and students are wondering how to maximize learning and make it effective and fun!  Teachers have known for years that students seem to focus better and learn better when certain types of music are playing in the background.  Many teachers simply turn on the classical radio station, but research has shown that playing exclusively instrumental music works the best.  When a radio is playing, there will inevitably be commercials and news and commentary.  For many situations this is great, but not in a classroom or a room in the home where homework is being done.

        Want to learn more about how to use Mozart and other classical music for maximum learning benefits?  You'd probably enjoy reading "The Mozart Effect," written by my friend and colleague, Don Campbell.  This book first came our in 1997 (and I am mentioned 3 times in it!) and has caused lots of controversy.  Media decided to take advantage of some of these remarks in the book and began advertising that music could "raise your child's IQ!"  Of course music cannot do this and Don Campbell did not say that it could.  Nevertheless the book has lots of excellent and interesting information.  I also have a download of a presentation that I did for music teachers on "The Mozart Effect."  You have a link to that in the next segment of this ezine.


    This month's "Healing Music Special Package"

Every month I offer a special digital package of healing music products to my list, depending on what the emphasis of that month's ezine has been. 

This month I'm going to offer you a very special and temporary price drop on my "Why Mozart"  download.  If you or someone you know and love is going back to school, college, university or learning of any kind, you MUST hear this important information about using music for increased focus and learning power!

Mozart Link

This month's special package includes:

Healing With Music: Why Mozart?

The Healing Power of Music

Drumming for Health, Wellness
and Fun

Live Concert
 Lake Louise

Live With
Dr. Stan Frager

Entire Package for $37

See you next month!!

Alice Cash

      Chantdoc's Social Networks - Join or Just Enjoy
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     About Alice Cash
For nearly two decades, I've been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  I am one of the world's only clinical musicologists and hold  Bachelors and Masters degrees in piano performance, a Ph.D. in musicology and a Master of Social Work in clinical social work.  I am also a licensed clinical social worker. I work with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.

Many people assume that I am a music therapist but I am not.  I was trained originally as a concert pianist, then as a musicologist, then as a clinical social worker.  I love performing, researching, and teaching and have put them all together in a career called "Music Medicine."  However, the field of music therapy is much better known and has degree programs and credentialing  that is very valuable and important. 

 To hear me speak, and watch me in action "is to have a day that will amaze, educate, motivate, and inspire you!"  (Joanna Driver, meeting planner in England)  To hire me as a keynote speaker for your association or organization click here   |   Previous Ezines

Healing Music Enterprises
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206 
Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3537

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