July, 2009

In This Issue:

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     A Brief Editorial on Anesthesia
 If you've heard a lot about the powerful anesthesia Propofol lately, it's because the coroners in L.A. have now decided definitively that it is the substance that killed Michael Jackson.  Now let me hasten to add that used properly, it is a wonderful anesthesia, but it must be administered in a hospital or surgery center by an anesthesiologist.  As I said last month, anesthesia is a wonderful, important and necessary medication but it is so powerful that if it is not administered by a professional, it can be deadly...like many other drugs.

The whole point of using music through headphones during surgery is to decrease the amount of medications you need before, during, and after surgery, by keeping the body relaxed and stabilized through the power of entrainment.  Read about these headphones now at www.surgicalheadphones.com.

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    More new on the Surgery Headphones
Just today I heard from one of the anesthesiologist that I've been working with at the University of Louisville School of Music and was he enthusiastic!  They've been using them now for a little over a month and are getting exciting results.  I'll be able to release the findings soon but suffice it to say that they are getting very positive results with general as well as regional anesthesia.  We are hoping to get them into every hospital in this area by the end of the year and then will begin to expand nationwide.

My long-term goal is to get the headphones into every hospital but for now, I will sell them to individual patients for $147.97 or to groups or organizations at a bulk discount.  I'm talking to a couple of big churches right now about buying them for their member care programs or their Healing Music Libraries.  Think about whether or not this would be right for you or an organization you belong to.  www.surgicalheadphones.com.

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   What's the latest on Wanda Landowska?

You may remember that last month I went to Washington, D.C. to do research at the Library of Congress.  The occasion was the sudden availability of archival information on the life and career of Wanda Landowska, the world-famous harpsichordist and the woman who revived the harpsichord from obscurity during the first decade of the 20th century.  I've been a huge fan of Landowska for over forty years and actually wrote my doctoral dissertation on her musical journey and her travails through two world wars and starting over from scratch on three separate occasions in different countries.  Landowska died in Lakeville, CT in 1959 after recording J.S. Bach's greatest keyboard works and all of the major harpsichord repertoire. 

I've been contacted by people and organization in Lakeville, Berlin, and Warsaw, Poland about giving some Landowksa presentations in memory of the 50th anniversary of her death.  I would love to do this but am looking for an angel to fund part or all of each presentation.  If you're interested in helping with this, let me know asap so that I can give you more information.

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     About Alice Cash
For nearly two decades, Dr. Alice Cash has been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  Dr. Alice Cash is one of the world's only clinical musicologists and holds a powerful and unique set of credentials.  She has worked with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.  To hear her speak, and watch in her in action is to have a day that will amaze, educate, motivate, and inspire you!  To hire Alice for your association or organization click here

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