May, 2009

In This Issue:

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   An Editorial on Britain's Got Talent and Susan Boyle
Last month, I wrote a segment on the discovery of Susan Boyle and the positive uproar it caused around the world.  As of yesterday, that YouTube clip had been downloaded 200,000,000 times!  The vast majority of people have been rooting for her to win and her tiny village in Scotland has finally been put on the map.  Yesterday was the final segment of "Britain's Got Talent" and Susan was reported to have had a very tough week!  Tabloids in Great Britain reported that Susan was "breaking under the pressure" and had cussed at the paparazzi one day and got into a tiff with her sister one night and police had to be called!  Many had worried that she was going to quit and according to one of the judges she had actually packed her bags! 

But Susan pulled herself together and last night gave another beautiful performance of her "signature song" "I Had a Dream" from "Les Miserables."  Again, the press reported that 15 minutes before show time, Susan's gown had not arrived and she was extremely upset and making the air blue with her language.  Finally, the gown arrived, but by then, Susan had been severely rattled.  Still, she rose to the occasion and sang beautifully.  At the conclusion, another group was awarded first prize, but Susan won second, which is not too shabby for a woman from a tiny Scottish village who had only sung karaoke in bars prior to this. 

Tonight, the "twitter" is that Susan was taken late this afternoon to a "mental health facility" in London because she was emotionally exhausted and "acting strangely."  Unfortunately, we see this sort of result in the media over and over.  The price of fame and notoriety is often an unbelievable violation of privacy and of dignity.  Susan Boyle had made a promise to her dying mother than she would sing on television and she never imagined that it would grow into the media circus it became.  I believe that most of the reporters and journalists that flocked to her little village only wanted the best for Susan, but apparently there were others who mocked her and gave her a hard time.  How a society treats its artists and its gentler, more fragile people, says a lot about how civilized they really are.  I hope that Susan Boyle can get some much-needed rest and privacy and then choose for herself what she wants to do with the massive career that is apparently waiting for her if she wants it!

If by some chance you haven't seen her debut performance on the show, click HERE.

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   Music with Surgery Update
  People continue to order the music for surgery headphones and tell me that their friends, family and physicians are totally unaware of this powerful addition to the surgical world.  I have written quite a few articles on this topic for the site and of course I have a whole blog devoted to the topic at  But in this day and age we need television ads and billboards and exposure on national TV!  I'm working on this but it takes lots of money to buy advertising time and space. 

Every surgeon and anesthesiologist that I've ever talked to about this, believes that it's a great idea that is destined to succeed but I need YOUR help too!  If you would just tell all of your friends, family and physicians about the importance and the benefits of music through headphones during surgery, I'd be ever so grateful.  If you're willing to distribute some brochures or postcards, let me know and I'll drop some in the mail to you.  Or better yet, I could send you one to download and duplicate!  Just let me know.  To show my gratitude to you, I'll send you a free copy of my book, "Notes on Tuning Your Life with Music."  All brainstorms and ideas will be gratefully appreciated!

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   Is Music a Solution for World Peace?

One of the many wonderful people that I have met since starting this business and this ezine is a gentleman from Canada who sends me interesting articles about music healing and wonderful YouTube videos about healing music.  just the other day, he sent me a powerful You Tube video that I wanted to share with you this month.  Over the years, many readers have remarked that it would be a wonderful thing if music could create a bond between people of all cultures and bring about a willingness to search for peaceful solutions through music. 

In this video, a Chinese choir and Chinese violinist and pianist perform excerpts from John Williams beautiful score to "Schindler's List."  These young people have likely not heard much about the Holocaust and the unspeakable atrocities that the Jewish people suffered during World War II.  To perform this music is a beautiful gesture of support and sympathy that, to me, embodies one of the ways music might ultimately lead to a more peaceful planet.  To see this powerful video, click HERE.  If you know of new stories or videos, please send them to me and I will gladly acknowledge you in my next ezine!

Have a wonderful month of June!!

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   Final Call for Alice's Birthday Special
I sent out an email last week regarding my birthday celebration and a special offer I wanted to give all my readers and customers to celebrate the healing power of music and all that it has done for us through the years.  Basically, it's five individual products that are all downloadable and I'm giving them to you at a whopping discount of over 55%!!  My webmaster says I cannot keep this offer up beyond the next few days, so if you're interested, don't wait another moment!

Click HERE to see the offer again and make your purchase.  It will be gone by Wednesday at the latest!


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   About Alice Cash
For nearly two decades, Dr. Alice Cash has been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  Dr. Alice Cash is one of the world's only clinical musicologists and holds a powerful and unique set of credentials.  She has worked with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.  To hear her speak, and watch in her in action is to have a day that will amaze, educate, motivate, and inspire you!  To hire Alice for your association or organization click here

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