February, 2009

In This Issue:

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   A Message From Dr. Alice Cash: 
  This has been such an exciting month for me!  The big news is that my surgery headphones are complete and on the market for sale.  People can get either the pre-programmed headset or just the download of the music.  I've also had several hospitals express an interest in studying the benefits of the headphones and music with different many different procedures.  We already know that they  create a safer surgical experience by reducing the amount of medications needed and calming and soothing the patient so that their own natural healing processes will function better. 

   The other exciting news is that I'll be speaking in Paris in early April to a gathering of harpsichordists who want to hear about my research on Wanda Landowksa.  I'll be in Paris from April 1-11, visiting my daughter who is an intern at the American Embassy there.

   THEN, I've been invited to speak at the Global Speakers Summit in Cape Town, South Africa about "Music as a Global Language:  communicating with sound and rhythm."  I've always wanted to go to South Africa and this will be my best chance so wish me luck and send me your own good vibrations!

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   Now taking orders for wireless headphones for surgery!
  Surgery is something that no one looks forward to.  People fear the pain, the anesthesia, the possibility of not waking up, and even the expense.  However, sometimes there is no alternative.  If something is growing inside you that doesn't belong, it must be removed.  If you're in labor and the baby is in distress, baby must be delivered by Caesarean section.  If your knees, hips, or other joints have worn or non-existent cartilage, they must be replaced.  Even if you just want to look younger or get rid of the bags under your eyes, plastic surgery is the way to do it.  For over twenty years now I have studied and researched ways to get music for the patient into the surgery suite. 

Now, a solution is available and my patented, pre-programmed headphones are for sale!!  Eventually I will have at least half a dozen genres of music to choose from, but for now I have started with calm, steady, beautiful classical music.  For the most part these are unfamiliar pieces because music has such powerful associations and I wanted to choose music that the average person will not know nor have associations with.  These lightweight, comfortable, pre-programmed headphones are selling for an unbelievable $147.97 on my website, OR you can purchase a download of the music to put on your own iPod for $79.97.    Both options come with a free PDF document that explains how to talk with your surgeon about wanting to use music during your procedure.  Although most surgeons are perfectly willing to let a patient bring in their OWN headphones, some doctors haven't heard about all the benefits...benefits such as a faster recovery, less anxiety medication, less anesthesia, and less pain medication! 

To learn more about the headphones or to purchase them immediately click HERE.  I'm offering a money-back guarantee on the headphones and the download so you have no risk whatsoever!

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   What are the benefits of using music with preemies and infants?
   For centuries, women have sung to their unborn, newly born, and prematurely born babies.  It is a natural thing to do and women don't need to be taught how to do it.  However, one of the realities of our modern society is that women and all humans have become very self-conscious about their voices and about singing in public.  When I was actively employed by a hospital, I used to teach the soon-to-be parents class about the benefits of singing to their babies and how, if baby decided to make an early appearance, s/he could leave the NICU early if Mom sang to them while there, the same songs she had sung to them in utero.  Most parents were amazed!  They had no idea that music creates an immediate and powerful bond between mother and child.  I assured them that even humming as a powerful effect and that it didn't really even have to be a lullaby!  It could be any calm, beautiful melody.  If it's one that was sung to you as a baby, that's even better!  Lullabies make wonderful heirlooms to pass down from generation to generation.  For this reason, I created a CD of classic lullabies that an expectant mother or new mother can listen to over and over and then sing or hum these melodies to her unborn child.  The picture on the cover is my oldest daughter's best friend and her newborn daughter, Hattie.  To purchase the CD, click  HERE.  You can also purchase this as a download to go immediately on your own iPod!


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   About Alice Cash
For nearly two decades, Dr. Alice Cash has been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  Dr. Alice Cash is one of the world's only clinical musicologists and holds a powerful and unique set of credentials.  She has worked with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.  To hear her speak, and watch in her in action is to have a day that will amaze, educate, motivate, and inspire you!  To hire Alice for your association or organization click here.

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