December, 2008

In This Issue:

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   A Message From Dr. Alice Cash: 
  I hope that all of my readers and customers have had a wonderful, healthy and fulfilling year!  This year has definitely been one of the best of my life so far.  Getting the patent on my music and surgery invention was definitely a highlight for me and now I am getting a prototype created at the University of Louisville Speed Scientific School.  Although there are many people who know about it, there are far, far more that have no idea that using music during surgery is a huge asset in terms of needing less anesthesia during the surgery and less anxiety and pain medications before and after.  If you want to help spread the word, just tell everyone that you know who is preparing for surgery about the multiple benefits of using music through headphones.  For me, the biggest benefit is probably the fact that the less anesthesia you have, the safer your surgery will be and the fewer anesthesia side-effects you'll experience!  Also be sure to check my Music and Surgery Blog regularly!

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   Healing Music makes great strides in 2008
  Every day, new research comes to my inbox from a variety of sources.   One of the research tools that I use is the "Google alerts" and you can set those up, for free, for any topic in the world.  I've asked Google to notify me whenever they index an article about "Music and Surgery," Music and Healing" or "Music and Anesthesia."   Each day I receive 6 or 7 articles under each broad heading so it makes my work easy.  I look at each one and then decide what I am most interested in and what I think my readers will be most interested in.  Of course, since I am a classically trained musician and a life-long academic, I lean toward the medical research articles about music of any kind.

  I have seen more articles in major magazines and newspapers this year than ever before.  I've also seen more music medicine research coming from hospitals and universities around the world than ever before.  Because I find this all so exciting and so important I usually blog about it the day ( or moment!) that I find it.  If you are not aware of all of my music healing, music medicine blogs, you'll find links to them at the very bottom of this email as well as at the bottom of if the home page of my website.  If you are interested in knowing more about music with pregnancy and preemies, music and the brain, music and surgery, and lots more, be sure to read one of the blogs each day!


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   What are the benefits to downloading your healing music files?
   Today the world is trying very hard to "go green."  We're all trying to conserve natural resources and get our lives organized and less cluttered.  One of the main reasons that the world is getting more and more online is because it saves trees, by saving paper.  When it comes to sound files, MP3's are a lot "greener" than buy CD's and DVD's.   Digital technology is making progress by leaps and bounds.  When I came up with the idea of wireless, pre-programmed headphones in January of 2005, they literally did not exist.  Now they do and you can go right down to Best Buy or other such places and buy them off the shelf tomorrow! 

   I'm trying to create new products for you every 4-6 months and I'm working very hard to make sure that they're all downloadable.  Occasionally, people have never downloaded a whole CD, or eBook, but once you click on the link I send you, all you have to do is decided where to save the file.  I usually save it to my desktop or My Documents or My Downloads.  It is really quite simple, especially if you have a fast internet connection.  One of the many benefits of downloads is that you know exactly where they are at all times, unlike CD's, tapes, and books!  They don't collect dust and they do last forever!  I've created a new downloadable course this year, Music with Alzheimer's Disease, a new eBook, "Toning, Chanting, and Drumming for Health, Wellness and Fun, and of course my most exciting product ever, "Music for Surgery," a series of 20 specially chosen tracks that have been sequenced in the perfect order to get you through surgery with peace, serenity, steady biorhythms and less anesthesia.


The internet is now surpassing brick and mortar businesses as the place to buy and sell whatever you need, including books, music, clothes, travel, even cars.  After many years as a performer, professor, and professional speaker, I never dreamed that I would be running three websites and 23 blogs, but here I am and I love it!  Many people have asked me how I do all of this and I must say that I honestly believe that if I can learn to do this so easily, so can YOU.   If you're interested in becoming an online entrepreneur, please email me HERE as soon as you can!  Let 2009 be the year you get your own online business going and enjoy being your own boss and doing the work you love!

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   About Alice Cash
For nearly two decades, Dr. Alice Cash has been helping people use the music that they already love to heal their lives and increase their wellness quotient!  Dr. Alice Cash is one of the world's only clinical musicologists and holds a powerful and unique set of credentials.  She has worked with people and diagnoses of all kinds, enabling them to find healing, acceptance and hope.  To hear her speak, and watch in her in action is to have a day that will amaze, educate, motivate, and inspire you!  To hire Alice for your association or organization click here.

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