Healing Music Ezine
August 2005 __________________________________________________________
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Special Back-to-School Issue of Healing Music Ezine
Back-to School Music
Two BRAND-NEW CD’s from Dr. Cash, ready to be mailed to YOU!!
New Format for Ezine Coming soon
New website being launched right now!
I. Back-to-School Music?
School bells are ringing, children are singing and the bees are still
stinging! Where did the summer go?? Schools are starting earlier and earlier
and no one really asks whether we like it or not so we go back to school as
told. When the weather is still hot, and the pools are still open and
inviting, we need to have some really good motivation in order to get our kids
into the desk and into the evening homework. How about a few good songs or
tunes that send a positive message and motivate kids to want to learn? Music
is one of the FUN things that kids do at school. And it’s educational too! If
you haven’t read about how music helps to organize the brain, please read
Mozart. Music can play such an important role in
everything from motivation to accelerated and improved learning. For too many
kids, back-to-school is a time of fear and dread because of low self-esteem
and past history in school. For these children, individual attention from
parents, relatives, kindly neighbors, and teachers is not only helpful, it’s
essential. Is there music for self-esteem? Of course! There is a group called
NAS that has written a chant called “I know I can.” It is performed by kids
and one adult teaching them about self-esteem. It is done in rap style and I
like it a lot. It is readily available if you’re interested in buying or
listening to it. The lyrics can be found at
www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/nas/ican.html. There are also lots and lots of
other songs from generations of people around the world. I highly recommend
learning to search this kind of thing online. There is no limit to what you
can find on Google and Amazon.com. The main thing is, spend time singing with
kids! You know how you learned the ABC’s by singing the Alphabet Song? We all
did, and now there are songs for multiplication tables, states of the U.S.,
the counties of many states, and most anything else you can imagine. If your
child is having trouble learning some specific facts, put it to music. It
doesn’t even have to be original. Use a pre-existing tune if you want to.
Nobody will care (as long as you don’t try to sell it or claim that you made
it up!). For high school students, put on Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance and
talk about all they can do when they’re out of high school and ready to step
into the “grown-up world.”
II. Two Brand-New CD’s
I have just finished producing two brand-new CD’s for my readers and online
friends. The first is called “Music for Memory Care” and is all piano music
from the 1900’s, 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. It is mostly the popular music that your
mother, grandmother, or even great-grandmother grew up singing and is the
music that people who are losing their short-term memory can still recognize,
sing along to and enjoy when other opportunities for enjoyment have faded
because of memory loss. It’s also just a lot of fun for anyone who loves this
era of music to sing along to, put on at home during the day or perhaps in the
car and remember “the good old days.” The second CD is “Lullabies for Healthy
Mother-Baby Bonding.” This CD has 25+ lullabies from different countries but
mostly the U.S. or England. They are purely instrumental (i.e. no singing) but
are intended just to teach mother some easy and beautiful lullabies that are
easy to sing and will help establish and strong and long-lasting relationship
with mother. Ideally the lullabies can be sung from the second trimester of
pregnancy on. You will probably know most of them; one of them I composed
myself just for this CD. It is the first lullaby on the CD. Shortly I will
have an eBook to accompany each CD and hopefully by Christmas I will have a
DVD on which I talk to you about the power of music with babies, Alzheimer’s
patients, people preparing for surgery , and addictions. Each area will have
its own CD, DVD, ebook, and then online course. So, stay tuned, and if you’d
like to get the CDs now, they will be for sale on the website shortly, or just
let me know you want
either or both.
III. New format for ezine
Hopefully, many of you got my email a few days ago in which I announced that
I’ve decided to change from a general ezine to four targeted ezines. There
will be one each on music and babies, music and memory care, music and
surgery, and music and addictions. Ideally one will come out each week.
Because I do occasionally like to talk about another area of music healing in
addition to the four main areas, I may have one general article each month
that will appear in each zine, along with the targeted article. You will
receive a link soon so that you may subscribe just to the zines you have a
particular interest in. If you want all four that’s fine. If you want none of
them, that’s OK too! I just want everyone to get what they need and are
interested in.
IV. New website now launched!
I am very excited to announce to all my readers that I now have an additional
website! It is called Dr. Cash Prefers
and is intended to give you my best recommendations on music vendors for sheet
music and music books, musical instruments of all kinds, free online piano
lessons and more. There are also two other sections that may be a little
puzzling to some of my readers, so let me tell you what I had in mind.
Over the past several years I have been hearing more and more about the
“Prosperity Mindset,” and how we all can have most anything we want if we
believe that we can and are willing to do some serious work. As a therapist I
know that so many people are trapped in a “scarcity mode.” They believe that
there is only so much money, success, great jobs, and good luck to go around.
These people are invariably pretty unhappy and pessimistic folks. Often they
feel that life has already passed them by. Having a prosperity mindset doesn’t
mean being a Pollyanna or living in “La-La Land.” It’s more about looking at
the world through some really different glasses and understanding that we ALL
have gifts and talents that someone else out there needs and wants. If you’ll
just read a little bit of
Randy Gage’s story I
think that you’ll be quite impressed and interested in learning more.
The online culture today is huge! Every day more people are getting their
news, planning their vacations, buying theirs cars and finding their jobs
online. There is very little that you can’t do online. People I meet in
Louisville and elsewhere are always asking how I got my business started
online. I feel as though I have spent literally millions of hours online over
the past eight years learning about how to put not only articles and books
online, but also how to get the search engines to pull up my site when people
are searching for information on healing music and healing uses for music.
This section of the site is intended to show you some of the merchants I have
used to create my site or are getting ready to use to create ebooks, online
courses and multiple ezines.
I also want to put my CD’s online for people to buy and tapes of my many
workshops and other presentations. Therefore, the second and third sections
are all about getting started with a website and an online business (eBusiness),
like I did If you’re not interested in this, just ignore it, but my experience
has been that there are so many free online courses offered about how to get
started and how to use automation so that it basically runs itself once you
get started. I am very excited about all of this because it means I can spend
more time writing, creating new products and courses for YOU and less time do
drudgery work online.
Many of the website helper folks and the prosperity sites too have great
free offers for you. They range from free ebooks to free courses and special
reports. I’d be very happy to answer questions about any of this if you want
to email me.
Again, if you’re not interested or don’t intend to step into the world of
online business, that’s fine. At the very least though, check out the free
piano lessons on the music associates site. I actually tried some of them so
that I could improve my playing by ear and it was a lot of fun and helpful
That’s all for this month folks. Stay tunes for periodic news flashes about
products and events!
Your online music consultant.
Dr. Alice H. Cash Aka “chantdoc”
Please forward this to all of your friends that would be interested:
(Including but not limited to)
Please feel free to send in your questions to
chantdoc@healingmusicenterprises.com. Also,
please forward this to anyone who might be interested. If this was forwarded
to you by a friend, and you'd like your own subscription, please subscribe by
going to http://www.healingmusicenterprises.com/ezine.htmland sign up for your own free subscription.