Healing Music Enterprises will expand services
For six years Healing Music Enterprises has provided free articles, monthly ezines on everything from earworms to music in surgery; music and infant brain development to music with Alzheimer’s patients. Now, marching into the 21st century, we are looking for ever-new ways to disseminate practical and easy-to-understand and implement information on music healing.
Several months ago I announced that I would begin doing teleseminars and webinars. Now, I am pleased to announce that I will offer personal coaching in music healing, both to professional healthcare workers and to the general public. I will also offer clinical consultation by telephone or e-mail on topics such as music with pregnancy, childbirth, infants, surgery, depression, anxiety, Alzheimers patients and more.
Our mission is to educate the general public as well as medical professionals about the many ways that music can be used to speed healing, begin the healing process, combat depression and despair, and provide a quality of life intervention. I invite everyone to suggest topics that they would like to know more about. The questionnaires many readers filled out a few months ago provided many fascinating topics which I will address in upcoming issues.
Stay tuned as HME stays on the razor’s edge of music healing, music medicine research, and sound healing.
Dr. Alice H. Cash
President, Healing Music Enterprises
3219 Marion Court
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
502/895-7688 (phone) 502-899-3537 (fax)
502/419-1698 (mobile)
2410 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206
Upcoming Workshops & Presentations
NOTE: For more information on any of these upcoming events, just call me at 502-895-7688 or
E-Mail Me.
Charlotte, N.C. TBA
July: Atlanta, Macon, and Savannah, Ga., TBA
August: NYC and Boston, TBA
September: Seattle and environs?
Date Undecided "Music in the Golden Years"
Washington, DC.
There are quite a few possibilities on the horizon! Please contact me ASAP if you’d like me to present something in your area. I’m more than happy to work within your group’s budget and will come up with something affordable if I possibly can!
Playing any instrument or singing is always preferable to passive listening in terms of health benefits. It takes no prior training to play many drums and other percussion instruments for fun and enjoyment. If you’re interested in trying a small steel drum, a thumb piano, or a recorder, try an instrument from
Apollo’s Axes. You’ll be glad you did!
Can You Learn to Play the Piano online?
would have said no, but now I’ve been introduced to the website of
Germaine Griggs and I am impressed! I’m trying out the gospel piano track
myself and it’s fun and very helpful. If you’re interested just go to
the HME Shoppe
and scroll to the bottom to the "Hear and Play" section. The options for lessons are tremendous and varied.
Give it a try! It really is fun!
Dr. Cash offers helpful products to guide you reap the benefits of music for healing.
Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for self directed therapeutic music sessions. All purchases are secure and guaranteed.
1. "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
(available as soft cover book or ebook, with CD or Mp3 music supplement)
- BOOK & CD-
(Book - $14.95; CD - $14.95 or Book/CD Combo - $24.95 & S/H)
- EBOOK & Mp3s
(Ebook - $8.95; Mp3s - $5/set)
Mp3 Sets include:
- Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
- Lullaby Collection
- Chant Collection
- $10 & S/H -
Tape titles include:
- The Healing Power of Music
- Toning & Chanting with Addictions
- Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
- The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias
- Music for Surgery ($19.95 for two tape set)
Healing Music Shoppe
Do you have some birthday presents, wedding gifts, or shower gifts to buy? Why not go to my new Healing Music Enterprises Store and buy a book, CD, or even a musical instrument for that special someone? You can get a troubadour harp or a didgeridoo; a djembe, a bongo, or a bagpipe! Now that's a surprise isn't it? Feel free to write me personally for advice on the best instrument for you or your child. We also offer sheet music, music books, musician career services, musical recordings and more.
4. Music Book and CD Library - the place to browse and shop online for Amazon music books, CDs, VHS and DVDs. Hand picked to ensure that content reflects music for healing and well being.
As always, Dr. Cash will set up workshops in Louisville and surrounding areas at special request
if a minimum of 10-12 people can be assured. Current popular
topics are:
“Using music with the autistic child”
“Music as a Pathway to Higher Power”
“Wellness through Music: Ten Top Tips”
“Music and Childbirth: the Lullaby Project
Please feel free to forward this issue to
friends and associates. Anyone can subscribe for free (see below)
Contact Info:
Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
Healing Music Enterprises
(502) 895-7688 (502) 419-1698 (mobile)
(502) 899-3537 (fax)