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                        Healing Music Ezine
                                              from Healing Music Enterprises
                                     and Dr. Alice Cash

       April 2005                  Volume 4 Number 4
    Music and Surgery: Latest Research

Are you thinking about using music with surgery or your next medical procedure? More and more studies are coming out that indicate that it can accomplish many positive things as well as prevent medication-related problems. There’s also the psychological component of giving the patient a sense of control over a part of their life that probably feels pretty out of control. Understandably, no one wants to go to a hospital or clinic for any kind of procedure, but if you or a loved one must go, why not bring along some of your favorite calming and comforting music? The research shows that if you’re listening to the music that YOU like best, the results will be nothing short of amazing. It makes sense of course, because when you listen to calm music that you like and you close your eyes, all the muscles in your body begin to relax. When you’re relaxed, you’re not going to need as much anesthesia to put you to sleep. The less anesthesia you have, the faster you will recover and get out of the hospital to a place where healing can really take place: your home, where those that love you can help you to recover. These latest studies can all be found at:

  1. Lopez-Cepero Andrada JM, Amaya Vidal A, Castro Aguilar-Tablada T, Garcia Reina I, Silva L, Ruiz Guinaldo A, Larrauri De la Rosa J, Herrero Cibaja I, Ferre Alamo A, Benitez Roldan A. Anxiety during the performance of colonoscopies:modification using music therapy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004 Nov;16(12):1381-6.

    This study concluded that “Listening to music during ambulatory colonoscopies decreases the level of anxiety that is inherent to the process without other anxiolytic methods.” (Because all of my readers are not in the medical or therapeutic field, I am not citing the entire study.) Read Abstract

  2. Ruth M. & Locsin R. The effect of music listening on acute confusion and delirium in elders undergoing elective hip and knee surgery. J Clin Nurs. 2004 Sep;13(6B):91-6.

    This study concluded that “music listening is an effective nursing intervention that can be used to decrease acute postoperative confusion and delirium in elders undergoing elective hip and knee surgery.” Read Abstract

  3. Lee D, Henderson A. & Shum D.The effect of music on preprocedure anxiety in Hong Kong Chinese day patients. J Clin Nurs. 2005 Feb;14(2):278-9.

    This study concluded that “The administration of self-selected music to day procedure patients in the preprocedure period can be effective in the reduction of physiological parameters and anxiety.” Read Abstract

  4. Nilsson U, Unosson M, Rawal N. Stress reduction and analgesia in patients exposed to calming music postoperatively: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2005 Feb;22(2):96-102.

    This study concluded that “ intraoperative music may decrease postoperative pain, and that postoperative music therapy may reduce anxiety, pain and morphine consumption.” Read Abstract

For those wanting to know more detail about these studies, I strongly recommend going to the website of the National Library of Health, cited above.

We hear more and more in the news about people having frightening or even life-threatening accidents happen in the hospital and during surgery. If even one of these situations could be prevented by the staff being more alert (through music) and the patient being more relaxed and needing less anesthesia (through music), it would be worth the effort.

As I’ve mentioned before, since the patient needs the very opposite kind of music from the surgeon and staff, the patient should be listening to his chosen music through lightweight headphones. You can order my tapes for surgery by going HERE. One tape is entirely music and the other tells you how to approach your doctor and anesthesiologist. You can also EMAIL ME with any questions.

Dr. Alice H. Cash
President, Healing Music Enterprises
3219 Marion Court
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
502/895-7688 (phone) 502-899-3537 (fax)
502/419-1698 (mobile)
2410 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206

    Chantdoc travels to Las Vegas to learn internet techniques

Yes, I’m going to that wicked city tomorrow! A place I’ve never really wanted to go but I was made an offer I couldn’t pass up: a three-day “boot camp” on internet marketing and learning, free to me through the courtesy of one Fred Gleeck. Fred attended the same conference I did in January in Cancun and we talked there and hit it off. He knows I’m trying to get webcasts, teleconferences, and downloadable courses going on my site and said that I could learn all of that in Las Vegas. Sooo, I fly out April 20, and return on the 27th. If you have any questions for me to ask or tips on “don’t miss” activities, do let me know! I’ll report back next month!


Upcoming Workshops & Presentations

NOTE: For more information on any of these upcoming events,
just call me at 502-895-7688 or E-Mail Me.

May 15th - 20th:
The Awakening Museum, Santa Fe, NM

May 27th - 30th - “Toning and Chanting with Addictions” National 12-step conference in New Orleans

June: Charlotte, N.C. TBA

July: Atlanta, Macon, and Savannah, Ga., TBA

August: NYC and Boston, TBA

September: Seattle and environs?

Date Undecided "Music in the Golden Years" Washington, DC.

There are quite a few possibilities on the horizon! Please contact me ASAP if you’d like me to present something in your area. I’m more than happy to work within your group’s budget and will come up with something affordable if I possibly can!

Playing any instrument or singing is always preferable to passive listening in terms of health benefits. It takes no prior training to play many drums and other percussion instruments for fun and enjoyment. If you’re interested in trying a small steel drum, a thumb piano, or a recorder, try an instrument from Apollo’s Axes. You’ll be glad you did!

    More Questionnaire results: thanks folks!


  • Elizabethtown, KY: Topics Would Like: Healing power of music through active participation by using musical instrument.

  • Beaumont, CA: Topics Would Like: Psychoneuroimmunology

  • Louisville, KY Liked Least: Would like more citing of current research in music and medicine.
    Topics Would Like: Relationship enhancement with music.

  • Louisville, KY Topics Would Like: Ways people can use music on their own for their health, stress-reduction/relaxation, well-being,

  • Irvine, CA: Topics Would Like: chronic pain, migraine, heartache--emotional pain

  • Springfield, Mo: Products Would Like: Something on children and/or about using music in everyday life as preventive as well as for healing.

  • Frederick, Colorado: Courses Would Like: I am a math tutor and I come across students that have learning impairments. I am pretty sure that music could help them. But what music?

  • Louisville, KY Courses and topics would like: bedwetting, weight loss, more motivation music. If I could, I would like a class on chanting. Working with ADDHD. Working with addictions. weight loss, music to help build up my energy in the morning.

  • Coaching Would Like: I would be interested in knowing more about how using music would help depressed Seniors, those with isolation tendancies, and also those with early to advanced dementia.
    I'm also very interested in the healing power of music and how it can enhance spirituality and decrease stress for myself.

  • Galloway, OH: Products Would Like: Some music instruments - percussion Clothing like T-shirts for those facilitating drumming circles

        Can You Learn to Play the Piano online?

    would have said no, but now I’ve been introduced to the website of Germaine Griggs and I am impressed! I’m trying out the gospel piano track myself and it’s fun and very helpful. If you’re interested just go to the HME Shoppe and scroll to the bottom to the "Hear and Play" section. The options for lessons are tremendous and varied. Give it a try! It really is fun!

       Healing Music Products

    Dr. Cash offers helpful products to guide you reap the benefits of music for healing. Each product is expertly created to offer you sound tools for self directed therapeutic music sessions. All purchases are secure and guaranteed.

    1. "Notes for Tuning Your Life with Music"
    (available as soft cover book or ebook, with CD or Mp3 music supplement)

    Mp3 Sets include:

    • Alzheimer's & Dementia Collection
    • Lullaby Collection
    • Chant Collection

    2. AUDIOTAPES - $10 & S/H - Tape titles include:

    • The Healing Power of Music
    • Toning & Chanting with Addictions
    • Why Mozart? The Research on Mozart and Learning
    • The Use of Music with Alzheimers and other Dementias
    • Music for Surgery ($19.95 for two tape set)

    3. Healing Music Shoppe Do you have some birthday presents, wedding gifts, or shower gifts to buy? Why not go to my new Healing Music Enterprises Store and buy a book, CD, or even a musical instrument for that special someone? You can get a troubadour harp or a didgeridoo; a djembe, a bongo, or a bagpipe! Now that's a surprise isn't it? Feel free to write me personally for advice on the best instrument for you or your child. We also offer sheet music, music books, musician career services, musical recordings and more.

    4. Music Book and CD Library - the place to browse and shop online for Amazon music books, CDs, VHS and DVDs. Hand picked to ensure that content reflects music for healing and well being.

        Local Workshops

    As always, Dr. Cash will set up workshops in Louisville and surrounding areas at special request if a minimum of 10-12 people can be assured.
    Current popular topics are:

    “Using music with the autistic child”
    “Music as a Pathway to Higher Power”
    “Wellness through Music: Ten Top Tips”
    “Music and Childbirth: the Lullaby Project

       Contact Us

    Please feel free to forward this issue to friends and associates.
    Anyone can subscribe for free (see below)

    Contact Info:
    Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
    Healing Music Enterprises
    (502) 895-7688    (502) 419-1698 (mobile)
    (502) 899-3537 (fax)

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Healing Music Enterprises/Surgical Serenity Solutions
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3272


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