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                        Healing Music Ezine
                                              from Healing Music Enterprises
                                     and Dr. Alice Cash

       Feb 2005                  Volume 4 Number 2

    Huge Response to Free Products Giveaway!

Last month’s issue was offering a rare chance to get a free book and tape of your choice in return for filling out the questionnaire featured on the opening page of my site, . I have received a lot of helpful information about the courses and information you would like and the formats you would prefer this information in. Changes are in the wind for Healing Music Enterprises and I will soon be offering live courses here in Louisville, KY at my new office at 2410 Frankfort Avenue. I will also have the same information available online in e-book format, teleseminars, webinars, and downloadable courses. Soon I hope to have many completed CD’s of the music I recommend for various conditions as well as DVD’s which will be filmed during my courses here and at various workshops I do around the country.

Dr. Alice H. Cash
President, Healing Music Enterprises
3219 Marion Court
Louisville, Kentucky 40206
502/895-7688 (phone) 502-899-3537 (fax)
502/419-1698 (mobile)
2410 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206

    The oldest healing instrument? The Didjeridoo

The didjeridoo is an aboriginal instrument that probably came from northern Austrailia. Because it produces such a low, throbbing tone it is extremely useful for healing purposes. One of the things that many people with psychiatric problems need is a sense of grounding, and so the didjeridoo has traditionally been used to provide a long, steady tone to ground the individual while another higher pitched instrument or voices produced a soothing melody or simple harmony. Probably the didjeridoo is not a good instrument to start with because one needs a lot of breath control and understanding of “circular Breathing.”

A few of the questionnaires I received indicated that people would like to know more about healing instruments and where to buy them at a reasonable price. Well, I do have an instrument store on my site! It’s called Apollo’s Axes, and has just about any instrument you can think of at very reasonable prices. You’re welcome to E-mail me with any instrument questions!

Upcoming Local Classes for March and April

Classes held at:
Healing Music Enterprises
2410 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206
Call 502-895-7688 to register
All classes are 3-5 PM
$20.00 in advance, $25.00 day of class

March 6th: Music and the Mind-Body Connection

March 13th: Music as a Tool for Stress Management and Relaxation

March 20th: Music and the Brain
Information from the latest scientific research on how music affects the brain and how you can maximize the benefits

March 27th: Toning and Chanting as a Tool in Recovery from Addictions

April 3th: Music with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

April 10th: Healing your relationship with music

April 17th: Music with Young Children: Singing and Playing to Learn about Life

April 24th: Music with Newborns and Infants

Upcoming Workshops & Presentations

NOTE: For more information on any of these upcoming events,
just call me at 502-895-7688 or E-Mail Me.

March 31st:
- Nurses Caring for Nurses Conference, Jacksonville, FL More Info

April - dates and times pending for Cincinnati and Lexington, KY call me at 502-895-7688 for more information

May 15th - 20th: The Awakening Museum, Santa Fe, NM

May 27th - 30th - “Toning and Chanting with Addictions” National 12-step conference in New Orleans

June: Charlotte, N.C. TBA

July: Atlanta, Macon, and Savannah, Ga., TBA

August: NYC and Boston, TBA

September: Seattle and environs?

Date Undecided "Music in the Golden Years" Washington, DC.

There are quite a few possibilities on the horizon! Please contact me ASAP if you’d like me to present something in your area. I’m more than happy to work within your group’s budget and will come up with something affordable if I possibly can!

Playing any instrument or singing is always preferable to passive listening in terms of health benefits. It takes no prior training to play many drums and other percussion instruments for fun and enjoyment. If you’re interested in trying a small steel drum, a thumb piano, or a recorder, try an instrument from Apollo’s Axes. You’ll be glad you did!

    Ask the Chantdoc


What music works well to relieve anxiety?


Quite a few people said (in the questionnaire) that they’d like to know more about using music for anxiety. I believe that the best sound healing tool for anxiety is toning. I am in the process of creating an ebook/course for toning right now. Toning is probably the most accessible tool for sound healing and involves no equipment purchase or extensive training. I do have a tape for sale now on Toning and Chanting if you want to get right to work on it!

As always, Dr. Cash will set up workshops in Louisville and surrounding areas at special request if a minimum of 10-12 people can be assured.
Current popular topics are:

“Using music with the autistic child”
“Music as a Pathway to Higher Power”
“Wellness through Music: Ten Top Tips”
“Music and Childbirth: the Lullaby Project

   Contact Us

Please feel free to forward this issue to friends and associates.
Anyone can subscribe for free (see below)

Contact Info:
Alice H. Cash, Ph.D., LCSW
Healing Music Enterprises
(502) 895-7688    (502) 419-1698 (mobile)
(502) 896-7277 (fax)

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Healing Music Enterprises/Surgical Serenity Solutions
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3272


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