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Seven Tips for Using Music through Headphones during Surgery
Have you been told that you need some surgery? Or are you thinking about an elective surgery procedure such as tummy tuck, liposuction, or breast enhancement? No matter what type of surgical procedure you're planning to undergo, the one thing they have in common is the necessity for anesthesia.

Now anesthesia is a very necessary and important part of surgical procedures. You might need local anesthesia, regional anesthesia or local anesthesia, but whatever kind you require there are certain things you should know about anesthesia. Anesthesia administration requires tremendous skill and precision. We know from the Michael Jackson tragedy that just the tiniest amount too much can be fatal. Although fatalities are rare, they do occur every year all around the world and anesthesiologists have among the highest malpractice insurance premiums of all physicians.

For that reason, I think you should know that there is a way that you can use less anesthesia by listening to slow, steady, instrumental music through headphones during your procedure. Here are seven tips I've put together for you to help make your surgery safer.

1. If you've just found out that you're going to have surgery, talk to your surgeon immediately about your intention of using music during the surgery. The majority of surgeons today know the benefits of music during surgery and may actually bring it up before you do!

2. If for any reason your doctor does not know about the benefits, there are studies you can cite from the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and hospitals around the world. Music in surgery has also been reported on by the BBC, NY Times, and MD-online.

3. Begin thinking of the music that you most enjoy for relaxation...music that calms and comforts you and helps you feel at peace. You can purchase a small MP3 player just for this purpose and load your music onto it, or you can buy pre-programmed cordless headphones to take into your surgery.

4. If possible you can begin listening to this music for 45-60 minutes per day starting about a week before your surgery so that you can begin to consciously relax when you hear this music. The process of entrainment allow your heart-rate and breathing to synchronize with the pulse of the music.

5. When your body is relaxed and your heart-rate and breathing are slow and steady, your will require less anesthesia and still be just as anesthetized as someone who takes more anesthesia. Your body is being kept relaxed and entrained through the power of the slow, steady music which is entering the brain through the eighth cranial nerve.

6. The headphones will not only put the music directly into your brain but they will also block the sounds of operating room conversations as well as sounds associated with various surgeries including hammering, sawing, drilling, and cutting. Simply blocking these sounds will undoubtedly prevent subconscious traumatic memories that people frequently report hearing.

7. For those that can program their own iPod with the ideal music, I recommend doing that. For people who would rather purchase the pre-programmed headphones with the ideal type of music all ready to go, that is probably the best solution. Also the fact that they have no cords or wires to get tangled up with medical equipment makes them extremely safe and practical.

If I can answer any questions for you, just drop me a line at chantdoc at healingmusicenterprises.com


Dr. Alice H. Cash is a clinical musicologist who has devoted much of her career to researching the healing powers of music and teaching professionals and patients about using music for health and wellness. Her website http://www.HealingMusicEnterprises.com has been viewed and enjoyed by people around the world. She also has ten blogs, each one focusing on a different aspect of music healing.
In 2008 she received a U.S. patent on her wireless headphones for surgery which can be seen at http://www.surgicalserenity.com.

About Author Dr. Alice Cash: Helping people to use music for Healing and Wellness. Dr. Cash stresses the use of music for health, learning, motivation, relaxation, energy building, or well-being. She is known internationally for her work with music and pregnancy, surgery, addictions, and Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Cash can be reached through Healing Music Enterprises. (www.healingmusicenterprises.com)

You may reproduce Dr. Cash's articles as long as your use the complete version without editing including the last 2 paragraphs.

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