Music with Surgery:
Why would you want music
during surgery? As I travel the country talking with people about the
importance of music during surgery, there is one question that arises
over and over. The question is a good one: why would you want music
during surgery if you're going to be asleep? Very logical question and
luckily, the answer is very logical too.
For thousands of years
humans have known that music soothes, calms and comforts them. In
ancient time it was drumming and chanting. In the 21st century it's
iPods and wireless headphones. Everyone had their favorite music and for
them, that is what will work best during surgery. The fact is that once
you're under anesthesia, only your subconscious mind will be responding
to the slow steady pulse of the music.
Music during surgery is
not about entertainment; it is not about soothing a person or even
comforting them. The whole point of using music during surgery is to
relax the body so that less anesthesia is needed. Secondarily, when you
have music coming through headphones, the music enters the brain through
the eighth cranial nerve and entrains or synchronizes the heartbeat and
breathing with the tempo of the music. The more relaxed the body, mind,
and spirit can be, the less anesthesia a person will need in order to be
effectively anesthetized.
For For this reason, you
want to choose music with the tempo of the healthy resting heartbeat.
You also want to choose music that is purely instrumental, i.e., nothing
with lyrics. The third and final reason to use music through head-phones
during surgery is to block out comments and conversation of the medical
staff that might be negative or pessimistic and influence you
subconsciously. Many people do not have a lot of advance notice that
they need surgery and do not have time to select the ideal music.
For that reason, I have put
together the music that is proven to have the best results on the
subconscious mind and body; music that has a slow, steady tempo
and is purely instrumental. This music can be ordered and
downloaded from
To learn more
about the "Surgical Serenity Headphones" click here!
About Author Dr.
Alice Cash: Helping people to use music for Healing and Wellness.
Dr. Cash stresses the use of music for health, learning, motivation,
relaxation, energy building, or well-being. She is known internationally
for her work with music and pregnancy, surgery, addictions, and
Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Cash can be reached through
Healing Music
Enterprises. (www.healingmusicenterprises.com)
You may reproduce Dr.
Cash's articles as long as your use the complete version without editing
including the last paragraph.
Music with Surgery; © Dr. Alice Cash