How to know when to
use music with surgery
Each day, all over the world people are having surgery of all kinds.
Most people assume that they will have anesthesia and they rarely
question whether they really need it or how much they might need. and
yet the fact is, anesthesia carries its own dangers and one of the three
things that people must recover from after surgery is the anesthesia.
When you have surgery you must recover from the cutting that is done,
from the anesthesia that brings most of your bodies systems to a
grinding halt and then you must recover from whatever caused you to need
the surgery! Anesthesia is so potentially dangerous that the field or
anesthesiology was created to study this problem and attempt to make it
What if there were a solution that was so simple that most people
totally overlook it but are finally beginning to recognize and
acknowledge its potential? Well, there is! There is ample and
significant clinical research documenting that when people listen to
their favorite relaxing, calming and soothing music through headphones
during surgery that they can take up to 50% less anesthesia. Impressed?
Many surgeons, anesthesiologists, and operating room staff are quite
impressed. The reason for headphones is that the music enters the brain
directly through the eighth cranial nerve and at the same time blocks
out sounds and conversation in the operating room that can be
disconcerting and anxiety provoking.
Research suggests that when the patient listens to slow, steady,
purely instrumental music before, during, and after their surgery that
they require less anesthesia, less anxiety medication before their
surgery and less pain medication after their surgery. This in turn
allows the patient to be discharged sooner, heal faster, and save
thousands of dollars to hospitals, patients themselves, and insurance
companies. Not only that but music carries no risks whatsoever. Please
feel free to contact me if you want more information about how you can
use music with your own or a friend or family member's surgery. You will
not regret it.
Dr. Alice H. Cash is a clinical musicologist who has devoted
much of her career to researching the healing powers of music
and teaching professionals and patients about using music for
health and wellness. Her website has been viewed and
enjoyed by people around the world.
You may reproduce Dr.
Cash's articles as long as your use the complete version without editing
including the last paragraph.
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